The My San Pedro Webliography is a multimedia bibliography with links to websites and online materials related to the greater San Pedro, CA area. Most of the resources used in researching and creating the My San Pedro website are included in the webliography.
The Center for Land Use Interpretation | |
2005 | |
2005 | |
CERES (California Resources Evaluation System) | |
City of Los Angeles (see also LA and Los Angeles) | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA/LA) |
Chapman, Charles Edward | |
1915 | The Alta California supply ships, 1773-76, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, October 1915, Vol. 19: No. 2 (Copy 2) |
1916 | |
1921 | |
Clark, Alex | |
1932 | The cool-water Timms Point pleistocene horizon at San Pedro, California, Master's thesis, California Institute of Technology, June 1932 (Thesis; Plate 1; Plate 2) |
Clark, Frances N. | |
1928 | The Weight-Length Relationship of the California Sardine (Sardina cærulea) at San Pedro, Fish Bulletin No. 12, California Division of Fish and Game, 01-01-1928 |
1929 | The Life History of the California Jack Smelt, Atherinopsis californiensis, Fish Bulletin No. 16, California Division of Fish and Game, 01-01-1929 |
1930 | Seasonal Changes in the Daily Average Length of the California Sardine Sardina caerulea, Fish Bulletin No. 26, California Division of Fish and Game, 01-01-1930 |
1931 | Maturity of the California sardine (Sardina caerulea), determined by ova diameter measurements, Fish Bulletin No. 42, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 07-01-1931 |
1935 | Interseasonal and Intraseasonal Changes in Size of the California Sardine (Sardinops caerulea), Fish Bulletin No. 47, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 09-01-1935 |
1936 | Fishing Localities for the California Sardine, Sardinops caerulea, 1928-1936, Fish Bulletin No. 48, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 08-01-1936 |
1938 | Measures of Abundance of the Sardine, Sardinops caerulea, in California Waters, Fish Bulletin No. 53, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 12-01-1938 |
Clark, Frances N. and Anita E. Daugherty | |
1950 | Average Lunar Month Catch by California Sardine Fishermen 1932-33 Through 1948-49, Fish Bulletin No. 76, California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 01-01-1950 |
Clark, G. H. | |
1930 | The California Halibut (Paralichthys californicus) and an Analysis of the Boat Catches, Fish Bulletin No. 32, California Division of Fish and Game, 12-01-1930 |
Clark, Ginger Garnett | |
2009 | |
Cleland, Robert Glass | |
1915 | The early sentiment for the annexation of California: an account of the growth of American interest in California from 1835 to 1846 (Copy 2) |
1915 | The First Expedition of Jedidiah S. Smith to California, pgs 200-203, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 9, Pt. 3 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1914], Los Angeles, Cal., 1914 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9) |
1919 | Transportation in California before the Railroads, with Especial Reference to Los Angeles, pgs 60-67, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 11, Pt. 1 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1918], Los Angeles, Cal., 1919 (1918-1920 Vol. 11) |
1922 | |
1951 | |
Clemens, Harold B. and William L. Craig, | |
1964 | An Analysis of California's Albacore Fishery, Fish Bulletin 128, California Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, 08-01-1964 |
Clothier, Charles R. | |
1950 | A Key to Some Southern California Fishes Based on Vertebral Characters, Fish Bulletin No. 79, California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 05-01-1950 |
n.d. | Harbor Defenses of Los Angeles, 1910-1947 |
Colden, C.J. | |
1916 | Shall California Conserve Kelp? Out West Magazine, Vol. 43 No. 4, April 1916, pages 151-153, Out West, Vols. 43-44 |
Colton, Walter | |
1850 | |
Cone, Mary | |
1876 | |
Conn, Stetson and others | |
1964 | Guarding the United States and Its Outposts (United States Army in World War II series, The Western Hemisphere subseries, Vol. 2, CHMD Pub. 4-2) |
Cooke, Philip St. George | |
1878 | |
Cooney, Percival J. | |
1915 | Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California, pgs 204-214, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 9, Pt. 3 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1914], Los Angeles, Cal., 1914 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9) |
Courtney, Kevin | |
2009 | |
Cox, Keith W. | |
1962 | California Abalones, Family Haliotidae, Fish Bulletin No. 118, California Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, 05-01-1962 |
Crampton, C. Gregory | |
1994 | In Search of the Spanish Trail: Santa Fe to Los Angeles, 1829-1848. Layton, UT: Gibbs-Smith Publisher, 1994 (metadata) |
Croker, Richard S | |
1932 | The California Mackerel Fishery, Fish Bulletin No. 40, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 02-01-1932 |
1937 | Historical Account of the Los Angeles Mackerel Fishery, Fish Bulletin No. 52, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 10-01-1937 |
Cronise, Titus Fey | |
1868 | The natural wealth of California; comprising early history; geography, topography, and scenery; climate; agriculture and commercial products; geology, zoology, and botany; mineralogy, mines, and mining processes; manufactures; steamship lines, railroads, and commerce; immigration, population and society; educational institutions and literature; together with a detailed description of each county (Copy 2; Copy 3) |
Crouch, Winston Winford and Beatrice Dinerman | |
1963 | |
Crow, John Armstrong | |
c1953 | |
Culver, Lawrence | |
2010 | |
Cutts, James Madison | |
1847 | |