Thursday, September 1, 2011

Webliography: GAR - GUI

The My San Pedro Webliography is a multimedia bibliography with links to websites and online materials related to the greater San Pedro, CA area. Most of the resources used in researching and creating the My San Pedro website are included in the webliography.


Garland, Clarice

Gaffey, John T.
The town of San Pedro: 1883-1888, development up to 1882, San Pedro Bay Historical Society, 67 pgs (USCL; WorldCat)
The flying boats at San Pedro, San Pedro Bay Historical Society, Shoreline, v. 30, no. 1, April 2002, 39 pgs (USCL; WorldCat)

Galer, William
Long Beach and Alamitos, pgs 273-278, The Land of Sunshine, Vol. 6, No. 6, May 1897 (1896/97 Vol. 6 Dec-May)

Gates, Robert Woodland, ed.
Stephen M. White: Californian, citizen, lawyer, senator: His life and his work, Volume One, (copy 2); Volume Two (copy 2)

Ghareeb, Gordon and Martin Cox
Hollywood to Honolulu: the story of the Los Angeles Steamship Company (Snippet)

Gebhard, David, Lauren Bricker, and David Bricker
Fort MacArthur, San Pedro, Los Angeles, California: the Hide House (Casa San Pedro) 1823: the 500 Varas Square Government Reserve 1834: Fort MacArthur 1916-1935: Public Report. Los Angeles: Dept. of the Air Force, 1982 (USCDL; WorldCat)
Fort MacArthur (500 Varas Square), Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California, HABS No. CA-2206, PHOTOGRAPHS, WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA, REDUCED COPIES OF MEASURED DRAWINGS, Historic American Buildings Survey, Western Region, National Park Service, Department of the Interior

Gentilcore, R. Louis
MISSIONS AND MISSION LANDS OF ALTA CALIFORNIA, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 51, Issue 1, pages 46-72, March 1961

Gerow, Michael W.

Gibbon, Thomas E.

Gibson, Campbell

Gilliland, Steve

Gillingham, Robert Cameron and Judson Grenier
The Rancho San Pedro: the story of a famous Rancho in Los Angeles County and of its owners the Dominguez family

Godsil, H. C.
The High Seas Tuna Fishery of California, Fish Bulletin No. 51, California Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 01-01-1938


Gorley, Hugh Alexander

Goss, Bill
Explosion and Fire, Nearly Two Score Lives Snuffed in Harbor Holocaust: Heroic Fireman Saves Many From Fiery Death in Water, Original publication: NA (Reprint)

Gould, Will D. and E.K. Green
Dr. De Witt Clinton Franklin, pgs 80-81, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 7, Pt. 1 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and the Tenth Annual Publication of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County 1906], Los Angeles, Cal., 1907 (1906-1908 Vol. 7)

Grace, Roger M.
1875: Future U.S. Senator Loses DA's Race, Metropolitan News-Enterprise, 09/18/2006
Fourth Time Was the Charmer for DA Hopeful Stephen M. White, Metropolitan News-Enterprise, 09/26/2006
Move Statue of Joseph Scott to First and Hill Streets, Metropolitan News-Enterprise, 12/31/2008

Grateful Dead

Graves, Jackson Alpheus

The Great Southwest
Senator Frye Knocks Out Los Angeles in One Round, The Great Southwest, November 1889, pg 15, in The Great Southwest Volumes 1-5

Greenhow, Robert

Greenwood, Caren and John

Gregg, Adelaide Le Mert
A History of Santa Catalina Island from 1542 to 1919, MA thesis, University of Southern California, 1934 (metadata)

Grenier, Judson A. with Robert C. Gillingham
California Legacy: The James Alexander Watson - Maria Dolores Dominguez de Watson Family, 1820-1980. [Los Angeles]: Watson Land Co., 1987 (metadata)

Guinn, James Miller

The Great Real Estate Boom of 1887, Read December, 1889, pgs 13-21, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 1, Pt. 5 [Historical Society of Southern California Los Angeles 1890], Los Angeles, Cal., 1890 ([1886-1891] Vol. 1)
Exceptional Years, A History of California Floods and Drought, Read March 4, 1889, pgs 33-39, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 1, Pt. 5 [Historical Society of Southern California Los Angeles 1890], Los Angeles, Cal., 1890 ([1886-1891] Vol. 1)
Exceptional Years: A History of California Floods and Drought, in The Quarterly, Historical Society of Southern California and Los Angeles County Pioneers of Southern California, Vol. 1, Pt.5, pgs. 33-39 (Volumes 1-2)
Los Angeles in the Later Sixties and Early Seventies, Read November 2, 1893, pgs 63-68, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 3, Pt. 1 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California Los Angeles 1893], Los Angeles, Cal., 1893 (1893-1896 Vol. 3; [1893-1896] Vol. 3; 1893 [-1899] Vol. 3-4)
Siege and Capture of Los Angeles, September, 1846, Read October 2, 1893, pgs 47-54, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 3, Pt. 1 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California Los Angeles 1893], Los Angeles, Cal., 1893 (1893-1896 Vol. 3; [1893-1896] Vol. 3; 1893 [-1899] Vol. 3-4)
Early Postal Service of California, A portion of this paper was published in the Los Angeles Daily Times, March 7, 1897, pgs 18-26, Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1897, Pt. 1, Vol. 4, Los Angeles, Cal., 1898 (1893 [-1899] Vol. 3-4; 1897 [-1899] Pt. 1-3 Vol. 4; 1897-1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol.4; 1898 [1897-1899, Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4]; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4)
Battle of Dominguez Ranch, pgs 261-266, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 4, Pt. 3 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1899], Los Angeles, Cal., 1900 (1893 [-1899] Vol. 3-4; 1897 [-1899] Pt. 1-3 Vol. 4; 1897-1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol.4; 1898 [1897-1899, Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4]; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4)
To California via Panama in the Early Sixties, Read before the Pioneers, March,1898, pgs 13-21, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 5, Pt. 1 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1900], Los Angeles, Cal., 1900 (1900 [-1902] Pt. 1 [-2] Vol. 5; 1900-1902 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 5; 1900-1905 Vol. 5-6)
Historic Seaports of Los Angeles, pgs 60-69, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 5, Pt. 1 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1900], Los Angeles, Cal., 1900 (1900 [-1902] Pt. 1 [-2] Vol. 5; 1900-1902 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 5; 1900-1905 Vol. 5-6)
Historical and Biographical Record of Los Angeles and Vicinity: Containing a History of the City from its Earliest Settlement as a Spanish Pueblo to the Closing Year of the Nineteenth Century: Also Containing Biographies of Well known Citizens of the Past and Present
Camel Caravans of the American Deserts, Read May 6, 1901, pgs 146-151, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 5, Pt. 2 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1901], Los Angeles, Cal., 1902 (1900 [-1902] Pt. 1 [-2] Vol. 5; 1900-1902 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 5; 1900-1905 Vol. 5-6)
The Pony Express, Read before the Pioneers, May 7, 1901, pgs 168-175, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 5, Pt. 2 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1901], Los Angeles, Cal., 1902 (1900 [-1902] Pt. 1 [-2] Vol. 5; 1900-1902 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 5; 1900-1905 Vol. 5-6)
History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Santa Cruz, Benito, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, an historical story of the state’s marvelous growth from its earliest settlement to the present time (Excerpts)
Historical and Biographical Record of Southern California: Containing a History of Southern California from its Earliest Settlement to the Opening Year of the Twentieth Century
History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California: An Historical Story of the State's Marvelous Growth from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
Some Historic Fads and Fakes, pgs 148-157, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 6, Pt.2 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County 1904], Los Angeles, Cal., 1905 (1900-1905 Vol. 5-6; 1902 [-1904] Pt. 3 Vol. 5 -Pt. 2 Vol. 6; 1904 [1903-1904 ] Pt. 1-2 Vol. 6; 1903-1905 Vol. 6)
The Old Highways of Los Angeles, pgs 253-257, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 6, Pt.3 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California 1905], Los Angeles, Cal., 1906 (1900-1905 Vol. 5-6; 1903-1905 Vol. 6; 1905 Pt. 3 Vol. 6)
A History of California and an Extended History of its Southern Coast Counties, also Containing Biographies of Well-known Citizens of the Past and Present (Volume One; Volume Two)
California Under the Rule of Spain and Mexico, pgs 119-128, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 7, Pt. 2-3 [Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California 1907-1908], Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 (1906-1908 Vol. 7)
Trade Conditions at San Pedro in 1850, A Memorial to Congress, pgs 164-168, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 7, Pt. 2-3 [Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California 1907-1908], Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 (1906-1908 Vol. 7)
From Pueblo to Ciudada, The Municipal and Territorial Expansion of Los Angeles, pgs 216-221, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 7, Pt. 2-3 [Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California 1907-1908], Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 (1906-1908 Vol. 7)
Passing of the Cattle Barons of California, By permission of The Pacific Monthly, pgs 51-60, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 8, Pt. 1-2 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1909-1910], Los Angeles, Cal., 1911 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9)
The Pioneer Railroads of Southern California, pgs 188-192, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 8, Pt. 3 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1911], Los Angeles, Cal., 1912 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9
A history of California and an Extended History of Los Angeles and Environs, also Containing Biographies of Well-known Citizens of the Past and Present (Volume One; Volume Two; Volume Three)
Juan Flaco’s Ride, An Incident in the Conquest of California, pgs 19-27, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 9, Pt. 1-2 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1912-1913], Los Angeles, Cal., 1914 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9)
The Lost Mines of Santa Catalina, From the Overland Monthly, by permission, pg 43-48, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 9, Pt. 1-2 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1912-1913], Los Angeles, Cal., 1914 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9)
How the Area of Los Angeles was Expanded, pgs 173-180, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 9, Pt. 3 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1914], Los Angeles, Cal., 1914 (1909-1914 Vol. 8-9)
The Lost Islands of San Pedro Bay, pgs 95-100, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 10, Pt. 1-2 [Annual Publications Historical Society of Southern California 1915-1916], Los Angeles, Cal., 1917 (1915-1917 Vol. 10)

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