The My San Pedro Webliography is a multimedia bibliography with links to websites and online materials related to the greater San Pedro, CA area. Most of the resources used in researching and creating the My San Pedro website are included in the webliography.
Post, Robert C. | |
1989 | |
Powell, Lyman Pierson | |
1901 | |
Preston, Laura | |
1883 | |
Queenan, Charles F. | |
1983 | |
1992 | 'Great Free Harbor Fight' At Stake Was the Port Site for the Growing City of L.A., Los Angeles Times, May 10, 1992 |
Quinn, M.F. and others | |
1900 | A Biographical Sketch of Mr. E.N. McDonald, pgs 274-276, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 4, Pt. 3 [Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register Los Angeles 1899], Los Angeles, Cal., 1900 (1893 [-1899] Vol. 3-4; 1897 [-1899] Pt. 1-3 Vol. 4; 1897-1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol.4; 1898 [1897-1899, Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4]; [1897-] 1899 [Pt. 1-3] Vol. 4) |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
n.d. | |
Redpath, Lionel V. | |
1900 | |
Reid, Hugo, (Edited and annotated by Robert F. Heizer) | |
1852 | |
Reitman, Greg | |
2007 | |
Rensch, Hero Eugene and Ethel Grace Rensch | |
1932 | |
Renshaw, Patrick | |
1967 | |
Reps, John William | |
1984 | Views and viewmakers of urban America: lithographs of towns and cities in the United States and Canada, notes on the artists and publishers, and a union catalog of their work, 1825-1925 |
Rice, Harvey | |
1870 | |
Richards, Michael J. | |
1995 | |
Riegert, Ray | |
1995 | |
Rios-Bustamante, Antonio | |
1985 | Los Angeles, Pueblo and Region, 1781-1850, Continuity and Adaptation on the North Mexican Periphery, PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1985 (metadata) |
Ritter, William E. | |
1901 | Some Observations Bearing on the Probable Subsidence During Recent Geological Times of the Island of Santa Catalina Off the Coast of Southern California, Science, Vol. 14, No. 534, October 11, 1901, pgs 575-577 |
Robertson, Donald B. | |
1986 | |
Robinson, Alfred and Gerónimo Boscana | |
1846 | Life in California, during a residence of several years in that territory: comprising a description of the country and the missionary establishments (Copy 2; 1891 Edition) |
Robinson, John W. | |
1978 | |
2005 | Gateways to Southern California: Indian footpaths, horse trails, wagon roads, railroads and highways (WorldCat) |
Robinson, William Wilcox | |
1939 | |
1948 | |
1978 | San Pedro and Wilmington: a calendar of events in the making of two cities and the Los Angeles harbor (1937: OAC) |
1993 | |
Rocq, Margaret Miller | |
1970 | California local history: a bibliography and union list of library holdings: supplement to the second edition covering works published 1961 through 1970, California Library Association, Stanford University Press (Copy 2) |
Roedel, Phil M. and William Ellis Ripley | |
1950 | California Sharks and Rays, Fish Bulletin No. 75, California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Game, 01-01-1950 |
Rolle, Andrew F. | |
1981 | |
Rosemont, Franklin | |
2003 | |
Ross, Blake | |
1930 | |
Rowntree, Lester B. | |
1985 | Drought During California's Mission Period, 1769-1834, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, 7(1) |
Royce, Josiah | |
1856 | |
Ruiz, Jamie | |
2005 | |
The Rudder | |
1919 | |
Ruskin, Ian and Haskell Wexler | |
2007 | |
Russell, Charles Edward | |
1910 | Collection of Six Articles on the Pacific System of Railroads, Hampton’s Magazine |
1912 | |
1922 | |
Ryono, Chikao Robert | |
1994 | |
2009 | |
1903 | Picturesque Story of San Pedro Harbor Fight, The Salt Lake Herald, June 7, 1903, Sec. 3, pg 17- |
Salvator, Ludwig Louis, Archduke of Austria | |
1929 | Los Angeles in the sunny seventies. A flower from the golden land, by Ludwig Louis Salvator, translated by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur, published in German in 1878 |
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